Sunday, March 25, 2012

My Day and Art Journal

With the threat of a major storm in So. Cal, we decided to get away, so we went over to the other side of the mountains to the sunshine. Had a great breakfast, then headed back home...when we came out from breakfast these clouds appeared...we could watch them rolling in towards us
We had to come back over the was a white knuckle experience. we were swerving to miss the rocks tumbling from the hill, major rushing water crossing the road, once we made it safely to our freeway to wasn't much better...the clouds were on us, it turned black, couldn't see the cars in front of this red car. I was thankful to get home we got a wood fire going
before the weather, I was able to do a little sketching in the car
trying out my new Koi watercolors
another sketch that needs a backgound
This is on my lap


  1. Love your artwork. Our son and his family are at Disneyland - we've been watching the weather reports and wishing there would be sunshine for them.

  2. What were those song lyrics again?? It never rains in California?
    Glad to hear you made it back home safe and sound.

  3. Love your clothesline watercolor. How creative!
