Sunday, May 6, 2012

Goodies and Funny Story

 Stacey and I have been hitting Yard Sales and Flea Markets
I cant wait to show you the
after photos...

 below is one of those vintage trays..the gal said it was free...
 Now for the funny...or sad story...sad for the flip flops...we have a darling sweet and ornery cat...
yep...leave out a flip flop and this is what happens...
he'll even bring it to you to show what he
 NEVER leave a flip flop on the floor!! NEVER !  what is sad...they were NEW!!!
 Flip flops are now up high
 Today was the Pasadena City Flea Market...
Stacey has been wanting an old AM FM radios, she looked on craigslist,
looked on ebay and etsy
look what she found today...the guy discounted it $10
I couldnt even get a photo, she had that sucker painted turquoise
and works beautifully
 A couple couple of trays for 75 cents...I would love to have seen a meal served on
the colors didn't show right, one is beautiful yellow and the top one is aqua


  1. What great finds you came home with.

    Have a great new week.


  2. Great finds! Those trays were used in the school cafeteria when I was young - about a million years ago! My little dog loves to destroy flip-flops. We find pieces everywhere. That's usually our first clue!

  3. love your vision for all those vintage finds! too funny the way your cat stapled those flip flops!! our cat used to do that to lamp shades!
