Wednesday, May 16, 2012

More DIY projects

 The picture above...the bottom is the only thing I inherited from my grandmother years ago. Stacey and I painted it a year ago. The issue is the cats...they loved to jump up there and then jump on the heater...they dont know if its on or not...we had to figure out something to stop them. We came up with an idea of of some kind of cabinet...Stacey went out Thrift Shopping...LOOK WHAT SHE FOUND! $16. We started painting it the same yellow as the wall, it wasnt covering very well, so we painted it with spray paint, except for the drawers and sides. I think its from the same time period of the bottom piece. I would have liked to paint it the same as the bottom, but we have no idea what colors we was a trail and error.
 The second project...I've wanted one of those lift top tables for when I want to watch TV and work on my birdies...even on Craigslist they were more money then I wanted to spend. At the thrift shop I found one...$25.  The only thing I didn't like was the boxy look and I still loved the top of my old coffee table.
we unscrewed the mechanism and added the top from the old one (which was broken from the move from Oregon 2 years ago. I also found the baskets at a Hollywood garage sale for $3 for both.


  1. Love your newly "married" cabinet, I'd leave it two colors it looks great! Wow, I need a coffee table like and handy.

  2. this is awesome...I like ur blog
