Thursday, August 12, 2010

Jenny Matlock's Ode to Yellow

Lovely yellow Lilly
Fresh lemons picked right off the tree...oh I love California!

another batch of fresh lemons
Enjoy other lovely Yellows at


Lourie said...

We had a lemon tree in our backyard when I was growing up and an apricot tree. We ate both straight from the tree. Stopping by from Jenny's.

Sarah said...

We too had a lemon tree in our yard when I was a child. The lemons were the size of grapefruits ~ honestly! We would squeeze the juice and freeze it in ice cube trays to make lemonade. Also squeezed it on my hair when I laid out in the sun to bring out the blonde highlights. You aren't old enough to remember that craze. LOL

Anonymous said...

It must be wonderful to get fresh lemons at home.

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

My goodness, that last pic is incredible, Laurie!! Did I tell you that my granddaughter is starting high school in just a few weeks and she is taking a photography class? I hope she will be able to teach me some stuff! :0)

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Susan Anderson said...

I love putting lemons from our tree in a bowl on the kitchen table.


Cheryl said...

Those lemons looks so perfect. The color is, well lemony, not garish. Sweet shots.

Kat said...

Oh to have lemons fresh from a tree! They are beautiful, and I bet they are delicious.

Rebecca said...

I'm going to have to get me some more yellow-it's so refreshing!

Susan said...

great pics! love the lily

Jenny said...

Lemon tree, very pretty...

Your post reminded me of that old, old song.

I love when winter rolls around here in Arizona and we go outside and pick bowls full of lemons for the table.

The house is fragrant with their freshness and sunny color.

They make me smile.

And so did this link!



That is so cool that you can pick lemons right off the tree. I bet they are wonderful compared to the ones up here in MN!!
deb :)

Lola said...

Love the lemons - such a gorgeous yellow!

Have a great weekend,


PS My AlphabeThursday Green is posted if you can join me… HERE!