Thursday, October 7, 2010

I love photography

I found an easy way to show you a fraction of the photos taken over the weekend.
This week our teacher, Jenny Matlock of
has given us the letter C
So, this is my Catolog of Creative photos
These photos are from 3 Calif. Missions that we visited over the weekend


Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Oh I l.o.v.e. the heart! And your places to go & see have been wonderful..Santa Barbara is lovely. Thanks for sharing! (ok,so spill...howdya make the heart??)

Rocky Mountain Woman said...

I love photography also. It's a compulsion to take a shot of everything and anything.

Thanks for sharing the photos of the missions. very cool!

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. I can tell you loved your trip.

The Decorative Dreamer said...

Very nice catalog of photos. I love that you made this collage into the shape of a heart. Perfect for photos of the missions. Very creative!

genie said...

Your heart of photos shows us all what a grate time you had. What a clever way to display the shots. When I enlarged them they all came to life. Very clever. I am OCD with my cameras...I go nowhere without at least one of them from point and shoots to my Canon Rebel. I am determined to become a decent photographer before I 71, I’m on a mission.Loved your post.
Genie @ buttonsforbaga (a bit of everything) and
climbingthedigitalmountain ( only photography)

Anonymous said...

Excellent Collage!


Jo said...

That photo collage is so cool ... wow, how did you do it??? i just love it!!! and the photos look wonderful ... I love your take on C!

Ames said...

Beautiful! I love your photography. I try to always carry my camera in my purse and for some reason I didn't today. I missed out on a beautiful white swan. Not something we get to see everyday. Love your blog!~Ames

Tracy said...

Ok fab pics how did you make the heart

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Beautiful pics, cute shaped collage!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

That's clever and so cute! How did you do that? So fun!

Christy said...

What a great way to showcase your pictures! Thanks.

Jenny said...

What a cool collage. So many lovely places. Thank you for taking us along on this charming little stop here for Alphabe-Thursday!

I would like to do a mission trip someday. It looks fascinating.

Thanks for the wonderful link.
