Thursday, December 31, 2009

Clarification This is where I will be mentioned on Jan. 25. As many of you have heard, I can't always
visit Typepad Blogs, I was able to get on this morning.


  1. Hi there! Thanks for stopping by to visit me! I am very excited about the upcoming class. My mom is doing it with me, you might enjoy visiting her blog at Your art and crafting looks very beautiful! I used to post some artsy things I did on my blog, but after my daughter became mobile (She's nearly 2 now...) and living in a small house, I can't seem to do it as often. Hence some great excitement as to the digital art. Only requiring a computer and my new tablet, it will be much easier to keep away from my little ones! =) Congratulations on being a guest on another blog!
    Looking forward to class with you,
