Saturday, January 2, 2010

Pink Saturday

1. A Pearl Heart, 2. Roses, 3. Hand Painted Roses, 4. 6X6 square, side 2, 5. Side 1, 6. Valentine Birds and Heart, 7. altered-rose-2, 8. PICT0248-1, 9. Watercolor paper


  1. My old eyes must be having issues- I can barely make out the writing on your new look :-( Sorry!

    So, first, feel better! And as an answer to the question you aksed about the Garmin (I thought I saved your email addy, but I guess I didn't..again sorry) Here's what we got:
    Mr. B did a lot of research on features, prices, etc and decided on ther Garmin Nuvi 750 - not top-of-the-line, but for the price, (best price by far at Wal-Mart) it has the features he wanted - MP3 player, etc. It doesn't have all the bells 7 whistles, but it gets us where we need to be without a HUGE pricetag. Wal-Mart showed a lot of good reviews as did others he found by typing the name of the unit.. Hope this helps - asnd again.. GET WELL :-)

  2. My old eyes must be having issues- I can barely make out the writing on your new look :-( Sorry!

    So, first, feel better! And as an answer to the question you aksed about the Garmin (I thought I saved your email addy, but I guess I didn't..again sorry) Here's what we got:
    Mr. B did a lot of research on features, prices, etc and decided on ther Garmin Nuvi 750 - not top-of-the-line, but for the price, (best price by far at Wal-Mart) it has the features he wanted - MP3 player, etc. It doesn't have all the bells 7 whistles, but it gets us where we need to be without a HUGE pricetag. Wal-Mart showed a lot of good reviews as did others he found by typing the name of the unit.. Hope this helps - asnd again.. GET WELL :-)

  3. Sorry you've feeling bad.....that's no way to start a new year! Feel better soon and try to have a happy Pink Saturday, just do it a little later in the week when you're feeling better!


  4. I hope you get to feeling better quickly. This yucky stuff is hanging on horribly for so many.

    May 2010 be a beautiful, joyous & blessed New Year for you.
    TTFN ~Marydon

  5. Hi Laurie and Happy New Year,

    Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Yup, it is.

    Please join me in my very first "Amour Valentine Swap". It's going to be easy, peezy and so much fun.

    Just drop on over to my blog for the details, then send me an email if you'd like to participate. The more the merrier.



  6. Happy PS, sweet friend! Feel better soon!

    I sooo love your new blog picture ~ magazine-worthy for sure!!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  7. Oye Little Miss,

    Couldn't think of any better way to ring in the New Year??? :) Noooo???? Well perhaps it your body's way of telling you to slow down and take a little "soul vacation" ya think????? Dr Mom here prescribes a nice hot (warm) bubble bath, some lovely scented candles, a few fresh flowers, nice hot cup of tea with honey and a splash of nice smooth brandy, along with the new issue of Where Women Create!!! Now that should get both body and soul feeling a bit more perky and on the mend!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  8. Happy Pink Saturday!!!! God Bless you in the up coming year and always

  9. Sorry you are under the weather. Feel Better soon!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. Hope you feel better sweet friend :( Love all of your pretties, as always ! Happy Pink Saturday and Happy New Year !!! :)

  11. Ah, Laurie. I hope you are feeling much better very soon.

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy New Year. Thank you for always being here to make Pink Saturday special.

  12. Feel better soon and try to have a happy Pink Saturday, just do it a little later in the week when you're feeling better!
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