Friday, December 18, 2009

Soft Pink Saturday

Beautiful Poinsettas photos taken at Whole Foods today
Just a whisper of pink
Pure delight
Happy Pink Saturday
Thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound
On Christmas mornings my husband and daughter and I
spend the morning fixing a delicious breakfast every year.
Family and Laugher and good food, what could be better.
Stacey and I are going to spend the day at Dornbeckers.
Her friends baby isn't doing well.
They can't seem to find out what is wrong.


  1. Little Miss,

    I will keep the wee one in my thoughts!!

    You know that in some of the small mountain villages in the Sierra Madres and the Devil's Backbone have poinsettias that are as tall as small trees!!! They are just planted in the hillsides along with the other vegetation! Very seldom do they bloom though :(

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  2. Ohh, Poor baby, will keep mother and baby in my prayers. The poinsettias are neat !! Happy Pink Saturday !! ( how about some PINK snowmen ? ) :) :)

  3. My heart always feels heavy when i hear of babies that are sick, I'll keep them in my prayers!
    Lovely Poinsettias, they are such beautiful colors!
    Margaret B

  4. Gorgeous pointsettias! Prayers going up for the sweet little one who is struggling. ~Adrienne~

  5. Prayers going out for that precious baby and family. Love the poinsettias. Merry Christmas and Happy Pink Saturday!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  6. Poinsettias are lovely. Breakfast sounds delightful. Here's hoping and praying that baby's problem is soon discovered and corrected. I will keep the family in my prayers.

    Happy Pink Saturday

  7. Hello Laurie; Sounds like a great way to start the Christmas morning.. I love the touch of Pink on the petals.... so pretty... Happy Pink Saturday..

    Merry Christmas;


  8. very beautiful flowers, I love those
