Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Winner and Frozen Rose

It is soooo cold. We don't get temperatures like this. Its 10 last night and 23 during the day. Some of the apt. complexes near by are having pipes burst and ceiling fall in on the tenants. We've only had one tenants heater quit working...but we have space heaters on stand by.
I HAD to go out into the cold and what did I see...beautiful frozen roses. Very transparent.
Of course I had to play around with one. Who would have thought that a dead frozen rose could be so pretty.

The winner of my giveway is Lisa. She has the cutest blog. She can be found here...


  1. Oh but the roses get so transparent when they freeze I always thought is was soooooo cool.

    Oh man Little Miss I feel so bad for you!!! I can't even begin to imagine having to go outside in that cold of weather!!! I mean we froze out tooshes of when it was 50degrees in North Carolina!!!! I'll send you all the warm coastal breezes I can round up :) Are you also dealing with snow???

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  2. Hi Laurie!
    Delighted to find you down in Oregon.
    Yes...the cold is bitter! dog...keeps wondering why we aren't going on our daily walks!
    Hopefully it will warm up a bit tomorrow!

  3. Love the rose. It's sooooo beautiful. Thanks for stopping by my blog site you found on dj's. I too am VERY excited about her class. I guess I'll see you there.

  4. Such a pretty picture of the rose. Thank you so much for your awesome giveaway. I was so excited I was clapping my hands and telling hubby like I was little girl. lol

  5. very beautiful picture of the rose, just breath taking, thanks for sharing :o)
