Sunday, March 21, 2010

Altering Staceys Photos

Stacey (my daughter) took some fabulous pictures when the sun came out on Friday. I couldn't leave them alone now could I.

I added about 5 layers
There was some gravel down in the lower left corner that I got rid of then tinted the photo
Now, that was a good time! I must say, I am a huge fan of Photoshop Elements 8!!
Can you tell??


  1. Hi Laurie, well you're having WAY too much fun with your photos!!! Pretty soon you will be doing weddings??? I love them and wish I could do it too! Have a glorious Sunday and spiffy week!

  2. These are wonderful - I am soo impressed! The first one almost looks like one of those Chinese paintings!

  3. Oh Wow Little Miss!!

    I am more then a little impressed!!!! Oh I got all 50 photos but I had to giggle cuz while they where downloading I stole all the bandwidth and LW couldn't figure out why his computer was running in sloooooow mooootioooon backwards!!! :) :) I'll go send you that address right now!! Well that is as soon as I stop by your ebay store. I must have the blue baby shoes ;)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  4. Nice!! Love your PS work Laurie! It was just a few months ago that you were buying the program and didn't know how to use it... and now look at you! Fabulous work!
