Saturday, March 20, 2010

Pink Saturday ~ Vintage Seed Packets

There is something about vintage seed packets. They are so beautiful
For Pink Saturday I thought I would share a few of mine
Happy Pink Saturday to all and Thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for being
the host.
We are going to the "big city" of Portland today to the Saturday Market
it is suppose to be a beautiful sunny day. I'll be taking my camera!


  1. Wow. I never saw vintage seed packets! Very pretty.

  2. Love the beauty of vintage seed packets, too. A couple of years ago one of the seed companies - I think it was Burpee - reissued some of their seeds in the vintage packets. Have fun at Saturday Market. We haven't been for a long time. Think we'd better go soon. ~Adrienne~

  3. They are lovely! Brings back memories! Thank you for sharing and Happy Pink Day! Happy first day of Spring too.


  4. Hello Little Miss!!!

    Oh I hope you have a wondeful time at the market today!!! And I want to see all the pictures when you have time to share them!!! I'm so happy that Spring seems to have sprung for you guys at last!!!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  5. How lovely - and how unusual! They certainly beat these modern packets for design.

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  6. I have a few of these myself and I am trying to think of something creative to do with them. Give me a bit of time and i am sure you will see something in a post from me.....

  7. I thought I'd seen vintage everything until the seed packets- wow! Clever!

    Sorry for my late visit but glad I could get here and enjoy PS!

    Happy PINKS!

    In shoes we trust,
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes match this purse?"

  8. What pretty packets. They bring back visions of simpler times. Hope you had a great day!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  9. My precious grandmother always loved dianthus and so do I! She always just called them "pinks".

    Can you believe it is SNoWing here in TX tonight?!?!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  10. The vintage seed packets are lovely. My Mom has a few vintage seed catalogs that I love to look through.

  11. Laurie, I've enjoyed my visit today. Love the tulips in the next post! I've been busy so I see I've missed a lot here!
