Sunday, March 14, 2010

Claudia Nice book

I found I had this wonderful rare out of print book from Claudia Nice 1983. I just listed it on my
Ebay for .99
I was able to take from her a few years ago. She has a fabulous studio at the base of Mt. Hood.
called Brightwood Studios. Check out her website.

This book has 40 pages just filled with wonderful Birds, Butterflies and Wildflowers. She discusses how to draw in pen and ink.
The sale yesterday was so much fun and a total sucess!
The weather was sunny, a bit chilly
The turnout was great, We sold lots of things
We had some gals that went around to all the sales and came back to purchase more.


  1. Oh, love that book! And love your new background and that photo! Amazing..

  2. Helloooooo Little Miss!!!!

    Congratulations on a successful sale!!!!! Your shelves must be getting close to being bare there??

    Oye I wish I'd known you had the little pink phone!!!! :(

    I found some ready to use paper mache, have you used it before??? I thought I would try to increase the size of my little styrofoam eggs before decorating them.

    Hugs to all!! It's half way through March are you getting excited???

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.
