Friday, March 12, 2010

Pink Saturday...Antique Sale

I was invited by Sammy Girl to join her in the 4 Friends sale. This one is at the Carriage House
at the Deepwood Estate
This sale is just tomorrow, so if you are in the area....stop on in
Lots of Pinks

Lots of variety
This little phone was rusty blue. I sanded it down, painted it pink and added polka-dots
Have a wonderful PINK SATURDAY and that you to our host Beverly of How Sweet the Sound


  1. Hi Laurie! What a neat sale this looks like! Hope you do great at it. That polka dot phone is just adorable!

    Happy PINK Saturday!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. Wow! Some great things posted here! Wish I was closer to come to the sale!

  3. :( - So sad I won't be there with you and Sammy Girl as planned. Thanks for sharing the photos - it helps me enjoy the beauty of your work and get the idea of the Carriage House all decked out with your lovelies! Hope it's an enjoyable day for you.

  4. Happy PS!

    In Shoes We Trust,
    Maggie Mae
    "Do these shoes Match this purse?"

  5. The photos are lovely. Wish I lived nearby. Happy Pink Saturday.

  6. Oh my gosh, I LOVE that pink phone!

    With regards to the texture tutorial, try this link ... hope it helps!

  7. That loks like fun! I wish I lived nearby because I would stop in! Have a great weekend and Happy Pink Saturday! Sherri : )

  8. LUSH! How I want that phone! What a great idea. Best of luck for today (I know, I'm late again, sorry - it's Mother's Day in the UK).

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  9. Super sweet Pinks! I think I live on the wrong side of the US!! You guys have so much fun!
    Happy Pink Saturday!
    Hugs, Lisa

  10. Oh lots of goodies! It would be fun to shop there. Have fun for me, ok? Happy PS~

  11. Looks like a fun sale - Happy late Pink Saturday!
