Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alphabe-T Thursday Upper

This week our class at Jenny Matlocks school it is the letter U. I had plans, I was going to show you all the umbrelas at the flea markets I've been going to recently...but my computer with my photos shut down this morning and there are NO photos.

So, I decided to go with the word UPPER... Its not good, so be prepared.
My upper teeth have crowns
My upper lip has a nasty scar from a kitty incident
My upper eye lids are drooping
My upper forhead has a mole
My upper head needs a new dye job.
oh bosoms need to be uppered
Thats photo. lol. Please check out the other U's, I haven't been ove there yet today, it should be good, it always is


  1. Your "Upper" things makes me look even more forward to meeting you! Very funny!

  2. So many Uppers - wow!

    Great post & Happy Alphabe-Thursday!


    PS Mine this time is HERE. Hope you can join me!

  3. You came up with so many upper parts to think about.

  4. LOL My upper head needs a new dye job too! Its grown out about two months.

  5. My upper head needs a dye job and my upper lids are drooping (especially the right one).

    Thanks for a laugh! I think this was my favorite u post yet!

  6. This was very clever even without photos lol. Great job for the letter u.

  7. very funny! my boobs need that same upper!

  8. Your uppers are uplifting! Cute alphabe.

    At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon!
    ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my journey through life, some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

  9. Ha! I've been feeling a little "down" about my uppers lately, too!

  10. My downs are in the same place but I love the ideas of uppers thank you

  11. LOL - that was funny!

  12. I would need bosoms in order to try to upper them but either way this post was upper in the list of great ones!

  13. I totally loved this UPlifting post on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "U"!

    What fun! You made me laugh.

    I'm really impressed with your clever interpretation of the letter!


    And a big hug to thank you for the smile!

  14. your uppers are funny, but I can say that cause I have a few things in need of uppers too.....
