Saturday, June 12, 2010

How cute is this

Went to a thrift store yesterday and saw this cute you might remember...I sold everything before moving so I didnt have any shelfs. This was $5.00 and I didn't get it. You know how it goes, I wasn't in the mood to get it into the car, so I left it. This morning I woke up and thought " I better go get that" It was still there...with a 30% discount...hows that.
It was pretty grimy, my husband hosed it down and painted it...a few drips...but hey, he painted it, so I"m not complaining!!
Since I got such a good deal...I bought a new camera, I cant believe I did it.
I researched and researched and researched some more...I dont have the money for an SLR so this Olympus SP 590 UZ is right up my ally...with a built in 20X zoom. I'll let you know when I get it!!


  1. What a deal on your new shelf! And to get your hubby to paint it is like frosting on the cake! Can't wait to hear how you like your new camera.

  2. Oye Little Miss!!

    You done so good!!!! :) Gads it was a good deal at 5 bucks much less $3.50

    Oh I can't wait to see how the new camera takes pictures!! I love my little Canon but I wish it took much better close ups!!
    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  3. VERY cute! And the PRICE! Oh yeah, you really scored on THAT one *smiles*

  4. Great shelf. Glad it was there when you went back! I always pass than spend a fortune trying to find one like the one I missed! Enjoy your new shelf!
    Hugs, Lisa
