Monday, June 14, 2010

Sew Somerset!!!

I received this wonderful comment, last night, from a fellow blogger, saying she liked my tags in the latest issue of Sew Somerset...WHAT??!! I had just purchased this to take on a little trip in a couple of weeks and hadn't opened I ran and got it, acted a little silly with glee....
And there it tags... They didn't say who's was who's, so, I'll tell you...on the page up above mine is on the right...

all of the above are mine but the one in the upper right on the left..thats Colettees.
See the little blue bird, I painted that on fabric, as with the rose.
When we moved back to California, one of the things we said "lets act like we are
on vacation"
So, we have been. Yesterday we went to Long Beach...We found a delightful
restaurant. If you order certain "retainable" fish from their menu, they
would give you a free pass to the Aquarium. Since we were parked across the street from it, we couldn't pass it up.
We had the best time!


  1. Congratulations! You deserve to be in SS. I knew your work the minute I looked at it. Loved seeing your creativity - it just exudes who you are. And that's special! Glad you got to Long Beach - interesting about the free pass to the aquarium.

  2. Congrats to you! You talented people are the reason I keep hanging on to my blog page. Hugs Anne

  3. Congratulations sweet Laurie!!!!! I LOVE your tag...I've got to get me a copy of this one!!! I love your vacation attitude ~ if we all could just have that feeling each and every day...have a wonderful week, hugs and love, Dawn

  4. wow, those tags look delish! i will have to try and pick up that issue. Congrats on the publication!

  5. WooHoo! You GO Girl!! Love the sweet tags!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  6. Congrats on the article in Somerset Sew! Wow..that is a great mag and your tags are really wonderful!
    Smiles, Karen

  7. Yep, your tags are gorgeous :)
    Glad you are living life "on vacation" since you've moved here!

  8. Congrats on the tags in Somerset Sewing, that is just wonderful
    Sounds like life is going well

  9. Wonderful wonderful wonderful! Can't wait to pick up a copy!

  10. Woo congratulations Little Miss!!!!

    You most definitely Rock!!! Gads if you keep this up you will have the honor of claiming to have art work published in all of Stampingtons different magazines!!! YES!!! and she's my Little Sister!!!!

    All's well here. NO smiting by lightening bolt for this dork!! In fact the big sister will be in the Spring of 2011 :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  11. Congrats on being in the magazine! I keep looking at it but haven't bought it. Wonder if JoAnn Fabrics has it I love using my coupons!!
    Hugs, Lisa

    ps I have the one you sent me hanging where I can see it as I blog!

  12. Oh, how wonderful Laurie! Those tags were one of my favorite things in this issue! Beautiful!

  13. Congratulations! What a fun surprise for you! I've never heard of that magazine but I will try to find it in the Joanne's magazine section! Woo hoo for you!

  14. Congratulations! What a fun surprise for you! I've never heard of that magazine but I will try to find it in the Joanne's magazine section! Woo hoo for you!
