Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday "W"

This week our class is using the letter W. Check out the other students words usine W at
Jenny Matlock. So...What does one think about in a W. I was thinking Whiskey, but I don't think that is a good blogland word. I came up with Work. I like to work, wether it is play work or hard work, everything is work, sometimes work comes easy, sometimes it is hard.
One thing I have been working on lately, as you all have and photoshop. What fun I am having, but it is work. It is new and requires me to Work to get it right. The photos below are some photos that have come from my fun Work.


  1. Work, work, work! That is what I must do tomorrow and a lot of it to catch, I might add. Good W word!

  2. hey laurie! I am back to blogging and have certianly missed you and your blog! long journey to get back to blogging but im faithful

  3. It really is work learning a new program. There is always something to learn. Your photos are wonderful.

  4. There's always something new to learn...especially with computers and new programs.

  5. Great w word and I like what you did with your photo's

  6. Laurie, what a clever little link you have for Alphabe-Thursday's journey through the letter "W".

    I know what you mean. I actually like to work, too. I used to love when I had to do something really building a brick wall or hauling gravel.

    My husband always thinks I'm crazy...but I love that kind of stuff.

    Hope everything is going OK with you!

    It's nice to see you here this week!

    Thanks for a wonderful post.


  7. I love fun work. Housework not so much, ha. Great W post.

  8. Work work work I try not to complain, washing mending stretching bending - every days the same!! (Cinderella)

  9. Work...well...some work is much more pleasant and enjoyable than others :o) Beautiful work you have there with your photography :o)

    Blessings & Aloha!
