Friday, June 25, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday...

Stacey has such a great eye for the unusual. How neat is this photo. You can even see the cobweb
This beauty was taken on our tropical

I couldn't resist this Pink Strawberry cupcake

Thank you to Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for being our host.
Please pop over there to find more pink.
I want to put a shout out to someone that I met while blogging. We
have become such good friends, AND tomorrow we are going to meet in person.
We going to go to the Urban Barn in Escondido, they are having a Street Faire.
Well, dear Susan just started her own blog. If you get a chance, please
stop by and say Hello.
I have another sweet friend Stephanie, she is having a fabulous
Wedding Blog Party.
I wanted to join in the fun...but I couldn't locate my wedding
photos...they are still packed away.
We have been married for 37 years...I must say, our looks have changed!! lol
you can visit her wonderful blog,


  1. Well, I guess you're still happy you're in California, right, sugar?!

  2. Love that photo of the fuchsia flowers coming through the fern leaf.

  3. Happy Pink Saturday! Just love pink cupcakes, or any color! :-)

  4. Beautiful photos. Love the first one! Happy PS!

  5. Hi Laurie, oooooo, the cupcakes look so good!!!!

    Happy Pink Saturday.

    Hugs, Barb ♥

  6. Lovely pictures of the fuchsia and hibiscus, but my favorite is the cupcakes, for sure!
    Today is my first ever Pink Saturday, so it's very nice to meet you!
    Happy Weekend!

  7. Now I'm really hungry! love the cupckes, and the flowers are really bright and pretty, wish we could get some sunshine!
    have a great day!
    marian elizabeth

  8. Very cute Things I will be back I'm a follower Laura Q

  9. Happy PiNk to you...

    I love the flower photos and those cupcakes..yum-e!

    PS has grown so large that I'm picking another creative strategy for visiting those that I haven't in a while.

    Have a wonderful day. Pop in for a visit if you are out and about in blogland!

    Oh, and Stephanie's wedding post is just awesome!

    Stephanie ♥

  10. The blooms are so gorgeous. I love hibiscus.

    And, shame on you for showing me that cupcake. I want one right now with my cup of coffee. I'll hurry right over because I just know you saved one for me. ;-)

    Happy Pink Saturday, Laurie.

  11. I'm STILL making the PS posts!!

    Thanks for the shout out about the party!

    I so love that pink cupcake ~ you are making me hungry!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents
