Saturday, August 28, 2010

Happy Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday to all. Please visit more at Beverly at How Sweet the Sound.
I was playing around in Photoshop, lots of textures
I'm busy soldering, cant wait to show you what I've been up to.
My little work area has been soooo hot. It got up to 114 one day.
Today is A LOT cooler!


  1. And to you also, sweetpea, happy pink saturday! Where in California will you be today?!

  2. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie...
    A beautiful pink share today. The miracle of a bloom. I love it on this miracle weekend. Can't wait to see what you have been soldering. I know it will be fabulous.

    Please stop by and leave a comment on my blog as well. I am part of the Miracle Team and for all comments left on my blog Guideposts Magazine is donating $1.00 towards the next miracle makeover. I am dreaming BIG, I would like to make enough money for the next DOZEN miracle makeovers. I look forward to seeing you at Country Wings in Phoenix.

    Many hugs sweetie, Sherry

  3. Happy Pink Saturday to you! I bake in the smoldering heat and you are soldering. :/ I'm sure you are making something fabulous. Have already made the rounds for the Miracle Makeover. All the best to you, Tammy

  4. Happy Pink Saturday to you! I bake in the smoldering heat and you are soldering. :/ I'm sure you are making something fabulous. Have already made the rounds for the Miracle Makeover. All the best to you, Tammy

  5. Hi Laurie
    I just found out not too long ago that you are now in California. I thought you still lived here in
    Oregon. I can only imagine the wonderful stores you have access to where you are. You are so talented, I love to see what you will do next. I wish I knew how to Photo Shop, we have no classes here.

    marian elizabeth

  6. Happy Pink Saturday Sweetie, I hope you have a wonderful weekend, Char

  7. I am just enjoying all the pretty pink miracles I am finding. I have been blog hopping since last night and I know I am still missing so many.Anne

  8. Cooling off a bit here tooo Lit'l Miss. Well that and the humidity has dropped below the temp finally! :)

    Whatcha soldering hmmmmm????? Have you got your walls done yet??? I'm making myself do them tomorrow. I think I have all the paper paint things cobbled together, and I finished the vestita I was sewing soooo I guess it's time to conquer my ppp issue (paper paint phobia):)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  9. Beautiful photo.
    Can't wait to see what you have been creating

  10. Cool! I need to sit down and play with photos one day. It looks fun!
    Hugs, lisa
