Sunday, August 29, 2010


Wanted to show you what my daughter Stacey has been up to. A girlfriend from highschool is getting
married. She wanted something that was handpainted by Stacey.
Brandi's colors are "Tuscany". Thats about all Stacey had to go on...So she found this wonderful Letter
at JoAnn's Brandi's last name started with an M and her new name starts with an M. She typed up their wedding date and made a charm...we had taken a class from Sally Jean, so it was nice she had the experience.
This is the, red, and black...
Then she couldn't leave well enough alone...she had to redo her computer top..a beautiful purple, she added a bit of glitter and then stenciled it....Quite lovely!! Good Job Stacey~
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  1. Your daughter did a beautiful job!!! Any bride would be love to receive this as a wedding gift!
    Have a blessed an awesome day!

  2. Lovely can not believe the computer top...amazing...bkm

  3. Wow. Tell your daughter I'm impressed. If I ever get a new laptop I may have to have her decorate it for me.

  4. Laurie. Did I write decorate it for her? I'm a dork. I meant to write "decorate it for me!" Argggh.

  5. What a great that will be treassured sooo much more than a toaster! She did a great job..and the computer top? Perfect!!
