Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A day at a Santa Barbara Mission

Stacey and I went to 3 Missions. It is her goal to go to all California Missions, I believe there are 23. I think we are about half way there. The day was glorious. Love these pots

oops, I added this twice. Tomorrow I will share pictures from the Farmers Market. The most beautiful Farmers Market I have seen yet..


  1. Such pretty pics, Laurie! I see where you also went to Solvang ~ we've been there, too. It was such an interesting trip!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  2. Such beautiful pics, Laurie! I see where you went to Solvang ~ we've visited there, too. Such an interesting trip!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  3. Wish I could go with you and Stacey to see the missions! Loved seeing the Santa Barbara mission again - it's part of my roots. My mother was born and raised in Lompoc and her family was based in Santa Barbara. Have you been to La Purisima Mission in Lompoc? It was destroyed many years ago and my dear, little mom used to play in the ruins! Then it was restored and it's beautiful - as are all of the missions.

  4. Wow! You got some great shots! I love the mission photo!
    I miss our emails!
