Thursday, October 7, 2010

I love photography

I found an easy way to show you a fraction of the photos taken over the weekend.
This week our teacher, Jenny Matlock of
has given us the letter C
So, this is my Catolog of Creative photos
These photos are from 3 Calif. Missions that we visited over the weekend


  1. Oh I l.o.v.e. the heart! And your places to go & see have been wonderful..Santa Barbara is lovely. Thanks for sharing! (ok,so spill...howdya make the heart??)

  2. I love photography also. It's a compulsion to take a shot of everything and anything.

    Thanks for sharing the photos of the missions. very cool!

  3. This is wonderful. I can tell you loved your trip.

  4. Very nice catalog of photos. I love that you made this collage into the shape of a heart. Perfect for photos of the missions. Very creative!

  5. Your heart of photos shows us all what a grate time you had. What a clever way to display the shots. When I enlarged them they all came to life. Very clever. I am OCD with my cameras...I go nowhere without at least one of them from point and shoots to my Canon Rebel. I am determined to become a decent photographer before I 71, I’m on a mission.Loved your post.
    Genie @ buttonsforbaga (a bit of everything) and
    climbingthedigitalmountain ( only photography)

  6. Excellent Collage!


  7. That photo collage is so cool ... wow, how did you do it??? i just love it!!! and the photos look wonderful ... I love your take on C!

  8. Beautiful! I love your photography. I try to always carry my camera in my purse and for some reason I didn't today. I missed out on a beautiful white swan. Not something we get to see everyday. Love your blog!~Ames

  9. Ok fab pics how did you make the heart

  10. Beautiful pics, cute shaped collage!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  11. That's clever and so cute! How did you do that? So fun!

  12. What a great way to showcase your pictures! Thanks.

  13. What a cool collage. So many lovely places. Thank you for taking us along on this charming little stop here for Alphabe-Thursday!

    I would like to do a mission trip someday. It looks fascinating.

    Thanks for the wonderful link.

