Saturday, November 20, 2010

Fire King and Scale

Its not an exciting photoshopped photo, but I got this vintage scale for $5.50 because they thought the top was broken off...they all come off, What a deal!!! Then I've been needing an old glass measuring cup.

This one, says Fire King...$1.00. I might be going back to THAT antique shop!!!

Now I need an old red cookbook and that should make for a good photo!


  1. What great finds at the antique shop.Fingers crossed for a good outcome after Staceys job interviews

  2. How hysterical Little Miss!!!!! :) And these guys were dealers??? You should go back and take another look who knows what they are giving away cuz they don't know what it is!!!

    Ohhhhh I have the old red book! It's a 1953 Betty Crocker! I LOOOOOOVE it and use it all the time!! It was the only cook book that made the cut to move down with us!! :)

    Is it just you three for T Day??? It's just LW and I with the ONLY turkey breast in the whole town!! :)

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  3. I have that same measuring cup and just love it. Of course, the scales are simply the best, great finds, Char
