Friday, November 19, 2010

Job update

I decided to go along with Stacey today just to keep her company on the drive. We left the house at 8 am, and we just got home...8 PM. First interview was in Rolling Hills, above Long Beach, over an hour away. She thought the interview went well. We went to a couple of antique shops, I'll show you what I got tomorrow. We found a Fish eatery on line....bad neighborhood, we went to plan B. Found a place that was jammed packed with people. Never seen anything like it, fish taco, soooo good. Then we stopped back by home for 15 min. and took off in the other direction, an hour, for the second interview...went VERY well. She got to see the apt, the office shes really excited. They said they would be making a decision a week from Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping my fingers crossed for Miss Stacey! Can't wait to see what you got on your excursion to Long Beach.
