Sunday, January 16, 2011

Long Beach Flea Market

If it is going to be 83, what do you do??? Go to Long Beach. I've wanted to go to this Flea Market for about 4 years now. Its HUGE. We walked for 2 1/2 hours, if we had stopped to look more it could easily take 4 hours.
Lots of goodies to see..

Love the bench guy, makes benches out of old chairs.

Stacey came home with a sunburn...
when we left home we had a sweater on...didn't even think to put on sunscreen.
I only got a couple of small things, I'll share tomorrow.


  1. What fun! Let's put that on our 'to-do' list for whenever I get down your way. Think I'll have to stay a month!

  2. Wow..great place! Bet you walked off 5 pounds! Way to go!

  3. I love flea markets. Fresh air and lots of goodies to see!
