Monday, January 17, 2011

Silly Kitty

My husband bought this dog bed for Bug...I sprinkled on a little catnip. After sniffing around a bit, he went belly up. Soooo funny.

A little something I picked up at the Flea Market. $3 ea. but how neat!!!

I woked on this little drawing in the car, I like how it turned out. Its on watercolor paper

I also picked up these little goodies. Love the silver salt shaker and the cloth tape measure...they are hard to find. I loved the colors in this scrap of quilt. I'm also taking a class on book making, I plan to use this quilt in my book.

Hope you all had a wonderful day.
What can I say, it was 86 today.


  1. Hi Laurie - today was definitely a southern california day! What flea market did you go to? Love the goodies you picked up. :)

  2. Great goodies! And kitty looks soo contented! I know you probably told me, but what book class are you taking? I LOVE LOVE LOVE books!

  3. Your kitty looks pretty content in his new bed.

    I liked your sketch, also.


  4. Silly Bug! Love your artwork and your new finds - so glad you are creating again.
