Sunday, May 15, 2011

Evening in Pomona

It was a beautiful evening. The clouds started rolling in.

While walking around waiting for our DonChow Taco Truck...

I love looking for the "old"

An antenna
When was the last time you saw one of those?? lol

This was down an alley. I love being in the big city, yet there is still the "old"

Just a neat fence with chain

Lots of beautiful old signs

City of Pamona. There is a whole row of antique shops

This post is actually all about these tacos.

We get updated twitters where they are going to be...

Taco Truck. They were shown on the food network.

Tofu Tacos...sooooo goooood

Cell phones...where would we be without them...

They were to show up in Pamona at 6...they kept updating us

as to their whereabouts...stuck on the 10. They didnt show up until 8

We were getting a bit hungry!!

The line was growing

That is three tiny tacos with a fusion flavor of asian and mexican

squeeze the lime

the coolness of the avacodo to balance the spice

Soo good and messy!

That was our evening...chasing down the truck as it went around corners looking

for a place to park. Fun fun fun

What a contrast to living in Oregon!


  1. What a neat evening you had Laurie :)

  2. Love those photos and the tacos looked wonderfully delicious! Annw

  3. What fun images you captured! And that food looks delish! I can tell you are having waaaay too much fun living there!!!

    Did you hear I'm hosting my Wedding Blog Party and Giveaway on June 10th? I do hope you will join us as I"m sure you would share such sweet things!! Read all about it on my blog!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents
