Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fabric and Paper

Paper on Paper or Paper on Fabric or Fabric on Paper

Above is Paper on Paper

I'm having fun mixing paper and fabric.
The bird cage was underneath tissue paper, then I did a wash of paint then ink.
The rose was also paper that was underneath, ink brought out the leaves

The nest was just painted on top
I just learned how to add paper fabric, new to me...I couldn't resist
seeing how pen, inks, paint!!

Then on the flip side is adding fabric to paper...

A little stiffer and lots of texture

I painted the rose on canvas paper that was preped with digital ground


  1. Gorgeous work Laurie! Simply Gorgeous :)

  2. Oh Laurie, this is beautiful what you created! I am stunned at the talent I find here. I really love the last photo. I think it would be a beautiful notebook or journal cover! Enjoy the weekend and come visit me soon. Anne

  3. Oh my gosh Lit'l Miss!

    I'm lovin the paper on fabric!! It looks a lot like photoshop results but sooooo much more tactile, and dimensional! Amazing!!

    Pattie ;)
    Mazatlan Mx.

  4. You're doing such a great work! Can't wait to see what else you come up with :)
