Friday, May 13, 2011

On the Way to the Fabric Store...

So I was on my way to JoAnns to pick up some muslin and I came across a Goodwill. So I stopped in...I thought I would check the skirt section... Here are my treasures...

This is a wonderful faded blue and white pinstripe with a great piece of lace...and the underskirt is muslin...wonderful!!!

This is a huge skirt that was never finished. It has three sections of the best design with all those zigzags. I cant wait to use these in my "class" that I'm taking!

I think I'll do some coffee dying this weekend..a little more "aging" never hurt anything!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you are feeling better! What wonderful things you found. I love impromptu stops at the Goodwill! Time for me to visit the one near your former home. I always think of you and wish I could just hop down the street and see you!
