Sunday, July 10, 2011

Find of the Day/ Silly kitty

Stacey and I had a "vacation day" where we do what we would do if we were on vacation. Stop when whenever we see something we stopped, I found this wonderful vintage pant hanger, I plan to add vintage paper to the wood part, then it will hold one of my pieces of art.

Now for my "Silly Kitty" pictures. Here is the story about Poodie...when he is full of love, usually when one of us his holding him, talking sweet to him, petting him....he DROOLES. It is so funny yet so Stacey picked up this at the dollar store...we call him our poodle monkey, so this was appropriate. She put this on him...he loved it, and...we laughed and laughed. Silly Kitty.

One last explaination on the major bike accident. There was a car coming from behind, and there was a car parked by the curb, so I went up onto the sidewalk (which is ok to do in our town) I had to squeeze between a telephone pole and a syclone fence, I got to close to the fence and instead of just putting on the breaks I put my hand up on the fence, then my hand got caught and down I went. I cant believe I didn't break a couple fingers, they turned so black and blue.


  1. Hope you are okay after your bike accident. My husband and oldest son rented bikes one evening while we were in Nepal. My husband told Yusef to try the handbrake rather than using the foot pedal, so Yusef did, right then. My husband tried to miss running into the back of Yusef and wound up flipping the bike over and landing on the ground. :/ He was okay and no bruises that I know of.

    I can't believe your kitty wears that bib. Last summer my youngest son picked up a bowtie for our Jingles and she just freaked out until she could get it off.

    Your watercolors are great. Glad you found some paper that allows you to create and have fun.

    Best wishes for the week ahead. Tammy

  2. hahahhaha! i've never heard of a drooling cat! How cute he looks in his drool-bib!

  3. I love the drool bib, heehee. And your paintings! Catching up on many of your blog posts now and enjoying them!
