Sunday, July 10, 2011

I love watercolors

At the bottom of this post I'll show you the book with watercolor paper for $2. I don't know what it is about the price...but when I get a good deal, I feel free to play and not worry about making a mistake. When I buy a large sheet of expensive watercolor paper...I panick, I dont want to make a mistake, so I don't use it...

I played around with my watercolors last night. The picture above reminds me

of how all my bruises turned and blue and

oh, yes, I was wearing a helmet when I fell off my bike, 3 days later...oh my

I am COVERED in you do that, it takes a few days for bruises to show up

This is the begining washes, Not sure that my my lime looks like a lime, I'm thinking

a small avocado?? lol

Heres the book it was new, in the original package...$2

Lots and lots of watercolor paper!!

...back to the bike...There wasnt a scratch on it (because it landed ON me)

I returned it to the shop...I love dealing with small local businesses,

he ordered me a "baby boomer bike" where my feet

will touch the ground when I am still sitting on the seat!!! yea!!!

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