Thursday, October 27, 2011

Little metal book

Still a work in progress...I got the backside soldered...lots of pages
The pages are dry...not sure if I want to color them before I stitch them into a book
This is how thick it will be if I choose to use ALL the pages. I might just finish it with a few pages so I will have a sample finished as a reminder...decisions decisions.

1 comment:

  1. I love seeing your work from Stephanie Lee's class. What you have done so far looks fantastic. I am taking it, too, but will not begin working on the metal work for a few weeks. I am taking Judy Wise's Hot Wax ecourse and just can't fit both things into my day (beyond watching Stephanie's videos which are AMAZING!)

    Thanks for posting about the pages - that will be really helpful when I get to that point. I actually may try to get my pages done this week so they will be ready when I start metal smithing.

    Your blog is great BTW - will be following you from now on!
