Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stephanie Lee's online class

First I must share last nights beautiful sunset

Our sleeping baby, how he doesn't fall off I'll never understand.
I'm confused, I thought with blogger that the first photo you upload is the last one on the blog, did they change it? Anyway, here is the book cover I made from Stephanie Lee's class. If you haven't taken from her and you have a desire to play with a torch and solder, sign up, she's the best. I made the bezel and filled it up, then a little painting. The pages are drying, cant wait to show you


  1. Laurie~
    Your sunset pictures are beautiful! Thank you for sharing! I love your little book!! Can't wait to see the pages! I just love your painting!!!!

  2. Your kitty is cute too...amazing how they can sleep that way!!

  3. I think our cats maybe brothers! Is he an Oregon cat? Cats are so amazing. The book cover is smashing. I can't wait to see the pages. Is this an on line class.

  4. Your cat is sooo cute..and trusting! Love the photo.

    Soldering? I've loved the look but have always been a litte intimidated..your book cover is awesome! You have really done well with yet another side of your creativity!

  5. Awesome work!! Thanksso much for sharing pictures!
