Monday, January 9, 2012

Daily Art Journal

I really have been keeping up with my daily art. I just got around to getting photos taken.
The top one, just doodles, then going over some of the lines to make them darker

This one above...dripps and dribbles of watercolor
Another fruit one. I added a few white gel pen marks to see what they would do,
I also used a micron pen .005 to outline.


  1. I love how you give us details of your work. Each piece is so individual & nice! Your journal is gonna be such a wonderful reflection of your year. Have a wonderful week!

  2. I think these are going to be great journal pages. Can't wait to see added colour etc. Great job!

  3. Love those pages!! The top one is similar to the one I just finished this morning! :)


  4. Loved seeing your art journal! Sweet talent you have!

  5. Laurie -- can I ask the name of the class you are taking from Alisa Burke? I would love to learn some of these doodling techniques. Have a great week!

  6. Oh .. how fun Laurie! I loved coming over and reconnecting with you.. seeing all you new adventures! Your painting is always so beautiful... now how fun that you are doing art journals!! I still have my little bird you gave me:) Love it!

  7. very nice! so proud that you have kept it's not always easy! Love the doodles!!!

  8. Your doodles and watercolors are beautiful! You are very talented! I wish I could doodle and paint like this. Have a great day! RM :)
