Sunday, January 8, 2012

Nice Day in So. Calif.

We took a trip to Pasadena, I painted this fresco about 18 years ago on a 100 year old mansion. Whenever I visit, I feel the need to post pictures.
This is the back side, it is t'wo stories, in the front it is 3 story's high. I used a cherry picker
Going by LA I snapped a picture of the buildings shining in the sun
Went to the Venice Farmers market. No one knew how to dress, boots and flip flops
I had to snap a picture of this guy...the ultimate California surfer dude.
Love this old bug
HOpe you enjoyed taking this trip with me today.


  1. I love it! True pictures of California! Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  2. I loved seeing your work on the old mansion again. I never get tired of it! I enjoyed the trip to Pasadena - but I would have enjoyed it much more if I'd been right there with you!

  3. haha, i had to share the surfer dude with my boyfriend and the boots and flip flops picture as well. i love the house paining its beautiful.

  4. I love how you painted on the mansion truly a work of art! Thanks for stopping by to visit my blog and leave your sweet thoughts! christie
