Remember my story of how my kitties took my bag of frozen peas, I opened the bag, and they ate them! Well, here is today's antics!
While my back was turned, this one took the bag of spaghetti off the counter, dragged it into the other room and opened it...then started eating them. I was laughing sooo hard, I had to run in and get the camera...what will they eat next???
Have I ever mentioned the names of our cats? Well, one of Staceys cats is "Bug" He started out "otter" He loved to lay upside down and has these huge,long white whiskers and eye brows, then he started bugging us, so it was otter bug, then it was shortened to Bug, they love that name at the vet. LOL ! The other is "Pood"... short for poodle, he thinks hes a puppy dog, loves to chew on shoes and sandles.LOL.Then our two kitties...I am REALLY embarrassed to say..."Dirty" (isnts that awful!) He looks like his paws have been in the mud.. and "Whitie" well, he just has pretty white, clean looking paws. lol. The picture above is Dirty...doesnt look so bad with the flash of the camera lol.
Ok, PLEASE tell me some of you have weird names for your pets!!!!