Showing posts with label old bottles. Show all posts
Showing posts with label old bottles. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A Wonderful Day!!


Today was my "day off" not sure what "day off " really means in my line of work, there really is no such thing, but after "working" for a couple of was time to start my "day off". So here is how it went, I had to go to Portland to pick up my pay check, so we made a day of it. My DH and daughter and myself...we stopped off to have breakfast at Panera...LOVE this place!! Then up to the middle of Portland...there is no parking, so I jumped out, and ran in as they drove around the block
This was on a store window...isn't it just the cutest!
Stacey was driving and spotted this cupcake store...we found a parking spot!!! yea!!

Yes, we each bought one!
Are you wondering what I'm working on??? Well, Somerset is having a challenge using a tin can. I had a kit for making paint turn rusty and one for giving it a patina...I wanted to see what would happen when I used both...I love it, I really have no idea what to do with it
On the drive up and back...I got a lot done. I turned and stuffed 15 little birdies!
I spent last evening adding foil and soldering a bunch of bottles, I found out that if there are little chips on the lip...just tape them up and But the best thing...It's suppose to look rustic!! Yes, finally, I have found something that doesnt need the smooth professional looking solder!! lol

This cup is so neat...this was at Anthropology too, then my battery died.
So, we had a wonderful day, and this cupcake will finish it off just fine!
Martha over at Vintage Trifles is having a giveaway, not just 1 but 3 goodies,
so, scoot on over and take a look and sign up.