One of my little sewing machines

These child size spoon and fork were in the junk bin...WHAT??!! They didn't see the charm and beauty?!

I picked up this wooden thing, it had an ugly picture in it, It was so easy to cover it with the Glacier Blue crackle med, when dry, I glazed over it with 3 or 4 colors to create age, then I painted the birds nest.
I got some exciting news in the mail. About 6 mo. ago I asked Create and Decorate mag. to look at my flickr to see if they would be interested in me being in their mag. She said she would like a couple of things and gave me a deadline. I missed it for one item...shoot!!! So, I wrote her and said, sorry, I received a letter today saying she still wanted it, and would give me an extra money...What??!! So, I got out my needle felting stuff...I felt kinda funny, when I realized (my Z works now.lol) what the problem was...remember when my kitty ripped my lip open...I had put away my felting (thats what I was doing at the time). Remember when you tell your kids to get back up on the proverbial horse....I didn't think it would be ME. So, I got a grip, got out my needles. sent the kitties to the other room and needle felted...it felt so good (no pun intended...at the time.lol) So, the promise of lots of money got me in gear and I "gotter done". Yea for me (pat on the back)
I got some more good news, but I'll share that tomorrow