I started blogging in 2008, I've had over 74,000 people look at my blog. I've gone through ups and downs, I was injured by my cat, I've moved out of state, my crafting is all over the place.

but one thing in all this time, I've never showen a picture of myself.

So, Stacey and I had a long conversation about her ability for taking great photos.
I guess I kinda of dared her, like...I bet you cant take a decent photo of me.

Well, she called me on it, it was right before sunset and she plopped my hat on my
head, handed me some sunglasses and said "lets go have fun"
we did, we laughed and laughed.

She wanted me to lean the way the flowers were leaning...I fell over, we laughed some more

I thought I would do this...one time, This is me
better yet, this is Staceys photography
(whew, I cant believe I'm ready to push the publish button)
Wonderful picture of You.
Thanks for sharing.
Well it's nice to meet you! Always great to put a face with a name and a blog. Looks like ya'll had fun. Have a great week. Tammy
Thank your friend - she took lovely pictures of you!
Glad to see what you look like -
Fun hat too...
I can really relate to not wanting to share a picture!! I haven't yet, but have tried to take pics before & just not happy with how I look. You Go Girl!! Great pictures & thanks for sharing them with us.
You are such a DOLL Sweetpea ! :) I know what you mean about the pictures. Mine is about 9 years old on my blog. I am old and gray now, hee hee ! Hope you are doing Great ! Hugs :) :) :)
Wellll, Hello Laurie!! Aren't you just too adorable?!?! So fun to put a face with your name and your talent!!
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
LOL! Ha ha ha! I Lurve it! I picked the right day to visit your blog! You look FABulous DAHlink! ;)
You are just cuter than a June Bug!! And I *LOVE* your hair! So, why have you been hiding from us? You really are adorable!
I loved seeing you again! You look wonderful and I love your long hair! Can't wait for the day I can sit and have a long chat - or, better yet, go on an excursion or two with you. Thanks, Stacey, for taking such wonderful photos.
Great pics! How daring of you! Could she please come to my house and take my picture also?
Laurie, What adorable pics your daughter captured! How fun! I am the WORST about letting someone take my picture as I am NOT photogenic at all. It is fun to put a face with a name in bloggyland. So many of us don't and I wonder how many times we've maybe walked right by someone we "know" in blogland and didn't even know it! Love that hat and fancy glasses! Xo, Sue
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