I was visiting Pam Garrisons blog Saturday morning, she said to go check out this video at
Alisa Burkes Blog
...so away I went. I had a few minutes before taking a day trip up to the mountains into the fresh sunny air. So I quickly watched the video.
Out the door I went, with my pens and pad in hand
I opened my watercolor journal
I need to give it a try. I didn't watch the video THAT carefully, so I thought, ok, I'll just use it for the inspiration that it was...and I started...
Oh what fun, and something I could do while riding in the car. I had my watercolors with me too.
So here is what I came up with...

I tried the top one on dried watercolor

The one above was a very light wash of watercolor, then I went in when I was finished inking
and added more color

The one above, I doodled first then went in with washes of watercolor

This is the beginning of an other one.
Since I was doodling in the car, on bumpy back roads,
I did a rough draft in pencil.
Then when we stopped for lunch I doodld with permanent markers.
On the way home I played with the watercolors.