Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Alphabe-Thursday "J" Jelly Beans!!

Mrs. Matlock (aka Jenny Matlock) I hope you like Jelly Beans and Jelly eggs.
I played around in Photoshop a bit. Added a Gaussian Blur then cleaned up the front Jelly Beans
These are Jinormous...yes, I know, I spelled it wrong, but it should be spelled this way. lol and I wanted to use another "J" !
My favorite...licorice! So, I paired them with the vintage enamel pot adding a touch of the architecture photo (below) It looks like lace. I let it seep into the pot but took it out of the
Jelly Beans
Please go visit the other students at Jenny Matlocks blog

What is YOUR favorite flavor???


Lisa said...

Cool! I love all you pics!
Hugs, Lisa

Viki said...

For some reason I never tried jelly beans until a couple of years ago. I found I like them LOL.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Your photos are making me want jelly beans.. going on the list of things to pick up
hugs ~lynne~

Prairiemaid said...

If it is Jelly Bellies, I like the watermelon and the popcorn flavors! Who am I kidding? I like all of them. LOL

You do amazing things with photos. Can I send my photos to you to play with?

I am now following you. Love your pictures.

Linda @ A La Carte said...

Love jelly beans, love you photos!

SquirrelQueen said...

Very cool photos, I like the effects. I like all the flavors except the licorice, want to trade?

I looked at the post below this one and I really enjoyed seeing all the architectural designs in your photos.

GardenOfDaisies said...

Cherry (red) and lemon (yellow) jelly beans are my favorites.

Steph said...

What nice shots and cool effects you made, the lacy-ness around the pot especially. What program do you use for editing images? My favorite flavor actually comes from jelly bellies. I think it's called green pear.

Prairiemaid said...

Charming, go to Jenny's site (you can click on Matlock at the bottom of my post). At her site, in the right hand column find the button for Alphabe-Thursday, I think it is the second one down. Underneath the button itself, there is a window you can copy & paste. Copy, then paste the information at the top of you post.

I hope that's clear. If you need more help, just give me a shout.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

When I was a kid, my favorites were the red ones. I hated the black ones. I wish I'd known you. You could have had them all.

Great photos.

Anonymous said...

Yum! I am ready to inhale some now.

Kat said...

Do I have to pick just one flavor? I love them all, except licorice. So I'll send you all my licorice ones! Fun post, your photos are wonderful. Kathy

Julie Kwiatkowski Schuler said...

I love the licorice ones, and I'm the only one. I get to eat all of them.

Betty said...

Jelly Beans! The perfect choice for a J word this time of year. Your photographs are very well done.

MrsJenB said...

Hmmm...favorite flavor...that's a toughie. Even though I'm not a real fan of jelly beans, I'd have to go with cherry...or whatever flavor "red" is! haha

Mami said...

what a colourful jelly beans!!
Wonderful pics!!

Unknown said...

Pink & Green are my favorites ... not because they taste best, just because they're the prettiest!
Fun J post!

Unknown said...

i like black jelly beans too..and the best part is they are always left no fighting in my house for them!
thanks for spilling the "beans" on your photoshop technique...i am trying to learn photoshop is not easy!

Jenny said...

Oh wow. Love your pictures.

Especially because there is the red jelly bean (the best color of all) front and center and beautifully featured!

You are really good at the photography you share.

I can see these on the front of cards...or in a magazine spread!


PS Black jelly beans are second best!

Amy said...

Your photos are awesome! My favorite Jelly bean is buttered popcorn, but I really like the licorice ones too!

Christy said...

Purple is my favorite - is that a flavor?

Jo said...

licorice! wonderful pics!

laterg8r said...

great pics, i like the tropical flavours :D

Unknown said...

they look so yummy...especially those licorice ones, which happen to be my favorite too!

Nadeen said...

Great photos. Looks good enough to eat even though I'm not a jelly bean fan.

This is my first Alpha week but methink you've post lots of other fun stuff.

Tina said...

My favorite flavor is sour apple. Wait, pina colada. No...maybe pear. Hard to pick. But my favorite picture is the coffee pot. Amazing picture.