This large shelf, what is one to do??? First...look it over...then think, I've seen this in antique stores for a lot of money, and then.....look at the was marked down from 14.99 I paid....are you ready...$8.00
It was stained, solid wood.
Home Depot carries Martha Stewerts paints now
and I found the exact color I needed.
I did a do over (aka - make over)
I have to call it a do over because this week is
"D" over at Jenny Matlocks class.
check it out at
I'm also linked to

Show and Tell Friday
You have such a creative vision! Love the shelf and the post.~ Ames
Some things are not meant to pass up...I think you would have kicked yourself if this didn't come home with you. Love the do over. Patty
Oh my goodness, you paid 8 dollars? And I love the bead board that you put in behind! Such a beautiful cupboardy thing.
You were very wise not to miss that opportunity.
This is beautiful! I saw one locally and it was $49 which I thought was a good price!! :0)
Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents
Beautiful job Laurie! Love the colors & your collections.
Eight dollars! That must be the deal of the year, Laurie.
I totally love the little shelf and the color you painted it is really cute.
Thanks for sharing your cute do-over with us!
And thanks for linking to Alphabe-Thursday.
A great find! And a great re-purposing idea! That is awesome.
Blessings & Aloha!
I am sooooo far behind on reading the "D" posts! And it is already time for the "E" posts! I'm happy I got over here.
$8.00!! Why you practicallt stole it, lol! That is a great deal for a really pretty piece!!
WOW! Great deal on a great shelf! Love it.
barbara jean
Great price for such a treasure! You really brightened up, too with the paint!
Great score on your shelf- it is beautiful! What an incredible price too!! Lucky you! Thank you for linking up to Feathered Nest Friday and sharing this. :)
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