I was reading the list of things to take to my "Pam Garrison" workshop that I am SOOOOO
excited about...and one thing was a painting apron...I ruin my clothes, I dont wear an apron,
on a previous post I mentioned how many clothes I can go through in a day while crafting...
ummm a painting apron, maybe its its time...I have a JoAnns right down the road, I was think of making one...but that means getting a pattern, getting the fabric, cutting it out...etc, I don't have time for that! In a box they had these aprons for $4.00 I couldn't pass that up... Now when I got home and unfolded it, it looked so BLAH, and...I couldn't show up for a craft day and look like I'd never worn an apron, I'm always a bit envious of the gals that have paint smeared all over their apron (not their clothes, like me) . Whats a girl to do, get out the paint and smear some paint. It was sooo fun, I'm going to add the big aqua buttons (they are just laying there for the photo shoot. At least now, I will feel like I fit in. hahaha

Here is the "in process" cabinet, This is about the only thing I ended up with from my Grandmother. The brown wood just wasn't doing it for me any more, so out with the paint cans
Just wait till you see the finished project, it is gorgeous. Did I mention I'm changing my colors. At the moment we have a navy blue couch...well, I just ordered a dark teal couch...I cant wait to get it. we painting our walls yellow. Pictures will be coming.

This is one of those "hope chest" little boxes. This is what Stacey did to the $1 one she found

See this box that is holding fingernail polish...Stacey made it, all mitered and everything, It has a little trim on the front...she actually made 3 of these...how clever is she!!
Its Friday evening, I'm tuckered out, I think I'll join the kitties, what do you think...

This is Poodie, he LOVE paper, and bags

A blanket underneath would be nice too

I don't show Bug that often, he's kind anti social
but boy can he do a back bend!!
I'll be back on Monday to show you my workshop pages!!