Donna Lynn
Here is my latest creation. She thought the nest was for her...but no...its going to the **WINNER**... Donna Lynn of Blushing Rose Antiques. Thank you all for signing up...I'll tell you, I enjoyed it so much, I'm working on another giveaway.

She's all decked out with her shimmery ribbon.

See this hat full of flowers. They are all glued on, so I have to carefully pry them off. See the three flowers on the pincushion...amazing what a little Glimmer Mist will do. While I was at it, I spritzed little more color on the birdie. There in the front...cutest tiniest vintage button I think I've ever seen. Look at that price tag $4.50...about 15 years ago!

Look at this spoon handle. I left the patina, just the way I found it, doesn't it show the scroll work nicely. I don't know if I should point this out...but my little birdie doesn't have rosy cheeks, poor thing...yes, there is a story. Well, I haven't spoken about my little kitty critters, they have been behaving them selfs (well, sort of) I had my little blush container on my desk. When I came home the other night I was looking for it. Not sure why I mentioned it to my hubby, he said there had been an accident, one of the sweet adorable kitties had knocked it off, when it hit the floor, it broke open and pink powder went EVERYWHERE. He actually cleaned it all up (slight tint to carpet) So, off I go to find more pink powder...LOL