The pincushion above is listed on my EBAY. I listed it for 9.99

I aged this photo just a bit, I wanted the Pink pitcher to stand out.

I stacked some of my pink cups

Then I added a Gaussian Blur to soften

Now, this one was fun. This is the pincushion I just finished for my friend...

Then this is what it looks like "Through the Viewfinder" of my little old camera
I went to a darling Christmas Bazaar at the Mission Mill today,
I ran into some old friends, they keep telling me they stalk my blog. I tell
them "thats creepy" and they need to start their own blogs. lol.
It was nice to see you Verna and Carol
Then I proceeded to come home, my foot caught on our curb
and I went flying...scraping and bruising both knees and the palm of my
hand...MAN IT HURTS!
How is it you can scrape all the skin off your knees, and not tear a hole in your jeans??
So, I'm going to get my pj's on and let my husband pamper me a bit.
I want to thank Beverly at How Sweet the Sound for hosting this every week.