Fall is here, but look what I found when I went out for a drive, I found a single rose bush with beautiful roses.

I found these in the back of our garage, I was glad I found them. I took them to the bazaar that I have been a part of for 15 years. If anyone is around the Silverton area. Please stop in at "The Silverton Friends Homespun Christmas Bazaar" after all these years I was asked by the head coordinator to be a part of their team. I'm really excited about that! My house looks empty, I work all year making things to take to this sale. I didn't paint on a sled this year...I'll look through my photos and see if I have a picture... But I love painting on these old shovels

As I was driving around I saw this darling barn...it is so small I'm thinking it is a childs playhouse. But I laughed when I got home and opened this picture...It might be hard for you to see...but on the right side near the line of trees are three deer. I didn't even see them so it was a fun surprise.
When I saw this post, I eagerly ran to my garage to see if by chance there was anything this beautiful in my garage. Oh, how I wished I would fine shovels that looked just like yours. Not to be, and I was disappointed. I do think you are the perfect person to be in charge of a bazaar. They are so fortunate to have someone like you. I only wish I lived close by.
Hey, girlie!
Just a quick stop to say "hi"! Been kinda busy lately and haven't had a chance to make sure everything is okay with you.
I'll have to find out more about the Silverton event ... would LOVE to see you!
Betty :)
Oh I love the shovels and the barn is so quaint and oh so cute! I wish I lived closer I would have loved to attend the bazaar!
Oh, YES! I could see the three small deer! That is such a charming photo!
I ♥ your painted shovels! Congrats on being part of that team! How fun for you! I am sure you will be a charming addition to their team.
That rose is lovely!
☺☺☺(((HUGS))) to you, friend!
BTW, I just moved the mini Easel with the dry erase tile that I have from you onto my table by the front door. The tile now has "Welcome" written on it and it's the first thing I see when I come in the door! It brightens my day everytime I see it!
Very pretty - I see you can do teensy or biggie-sized paintings!
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