GRAFFITI!! My daughter LOVEs good graffiti, she took these in San Jose, Ca last year. So when I told her what letter we had this week, she jumped at the chance to show off her photos.
Please go visit Mrs. Matlock and our "class" At
Oh, I love {LOVE} your post! I know most folks don't care for graffiti....but it is art in the purest form! Excellent post!!!
What a pretty post and a very unusal one today! You get an A plus in my book!
Carol, I totally agree with you!
Laurie, tell your daughter her taste in artwork is fun!
I always figure that people can't be total delinquents if they are making something so gorgeous.
And besides...spray paint is so fun!
Wonderful G post!
I almost blogged about graffiti, so glad you did your's is better than mine!
Some people hate Graffiti but I think it's pretty awesome. I mean, what talent to do that with a can of spray paint...
Great choice.. and pictures..
I'd much rather see some great graffiti than just a whole lot of tagging. Those shots are great!
Living in NYC, as I do, I see lots of graffitti. I can't say I'm a fan as it damages private property and sometimes the artists put themselves in danger to do it in odd places like subway tunnels.
If it is done to beautify a public space as some parks and biusinesses allow, then I think it can be quite beautiful!
I love getting stuck at the railway crossing ... because so many rail cars are covered in great graffiti ... i always consider it a traveling art gallery ... great post!
Oye Little Miss, If only all the graffiti here could be as incredible!!
Now the big news IT"S HERE IT"S HERE Thank You sooooooo much you are to good of a little sister to me!!!!! I posted on my blog.
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.
Graffiti is a definite art form although it denotes vandalism to many. The pictures that you posted are very colorful and unique. I can only draw stick figures so I admire the talent of some graffiti artists that are true artists and not just taggers.
That's really awesome graffiti. Much better than the ones around Pittsburgh, with their half-a$$ed tags. I say if you're going to do something, use your whole a$$.
I've never seen such beautiful grafitti! Your daughter took some great pictures.
Some of the graffiti I've seen is really incredible, and to think they can do that with a spray can is mind boggling. I love the examples you've shown, the first one in particular is stunning. I wish that more cities would open spaces for these artists, but then I guess that would make it less fun. Kathy
I love this GRAFFITI!
Happy TT!
Happy WW!
Happy AT!
Happy March!
It would be wonderful if the graffiti we have around here, looked that good! You are showing us wonderful wall-paintings and not thoughless distruction.
Good that you thought of graffiti. I did not even give it a thought. I stuck to a very simple commonplace solution, "green".
Happy Thursday,
Graffiti is such an art form, such a shame that it is so often destroyed because it's in the 'wrong' place!
gorgeous graffiti :D
love the first pic, how gorgeous!
thanks for your visit
Awesome photos! Great G!
that top picture is amazing!
I'm always amazed at how GREAT graffiti looks - especially on the side of trains!
These are beautiful examples of the art.
Those are wonderful pictures. They look like real artists to me.
I love graffiti too...I always want to stop and take pictures.....Next time I see some, maybe I will!
Great graffiti. The G dragon is gorgeous. Thanks for this unusual post.
Oh yes the top picture is definitely art!!!
Great graffiti :)
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