This is Pink Pomegranate at Santana Row
Friday, January 30, 2009
Pink Saturday/ Staceys Photos
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Second Day...
Vintage & Vogue the owner was so sweet. She gave me permission to take photos and share them with you
Flying Mahi Mahi taco's at Half Moon Bay. We came back to Campbell, went to Vintage and Vogue
that I found out about through Cindy..My Romantic Home.
Los Gatos, it was Sunday, quite a few shops were closed
Just a little note...Yesterday I HAD to work...I ended up talking all evening, It hurt sooo bad to even say..."huh"...Today is my day off, I don't plan to talk at all.
First Day...San Fransisco and Berkeley
We went to the Ferry Building with all of its fabulous shops, Cheese, Bread, French Macaroons, flowers, mushrooms and truffles.The Farmers Market was outdoors.
Then off to CB2....wonderful store...just like their cataloge, then Bell'occhio
We drove around and got some pictures, even though the day was cloudy.
Next we went across the Bay Bridge to Berkeley...stopping at Urban Ore, Lacis, Tale of the Yak, Ellington and French....then to 4th St. We spent so much time there...delights of discovery...Castle in the Air was a highlight. Dinner in Albany at Mangia Mangia
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I'm back...
I got home yesterday afternoon, went to bed and I'm still there...I admit...I kept myself drugged up so we could go, go, and go...It was wonderful (not the drugs,lol, the "going"). The day before we came home my throat was getting its a full blown sore throat. I just wanted to let you all know that everything went well. I need to get Stacey's pictures put in my computer. We saw everything that was on our list, and then some. When I feel better I will post pictures!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
AAAAAA~~CHOO sniffle sniffle
Guess he wants to go with me.
Thank you for your "well" wishes...I've gone from the stuffy head to the sneezing drippy nose. My sore throat is much better...I got some over the counter meds. so I'm ready to travel! LOL. We have our maps ready and a loooong list of shops to visit. Soldering goodies are packed whoohoo for a crafting weekend!! I'll have lots to share when I get back, I'm sure!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I thought I would get this one last post in before I leave. I've come down with a horrible head I'm just resting and drinking tea...there is nothing worse then flying with a head cold. I guess it is suppose to sprinkle the whole time we are down in SF. Its not suppose to! We live in Oregon where we get enough rain! We'll ta-ta for now. .. another thing..
.Thank you, for all your sweet comments about the things I have been making!!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Pink Heart on Spoon Easel
Here's for the exciting news...My BFF sent me a ticket to come see her in San Jose for a weekend of crafting...lots of soldering is the plan...we're going into SF and Berkeley, Los Gatos.
Stacey is coming along too, she needs a break from her job. When she returns, she is going to start up a "Homeowners Association" for the management co. she works for. It is going to be a huge huge undertaking.
The three of us have so much fun together. I can't wait...We're leaving next Fri. I will be taking a break from the computer. Have a great Sunday..
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Pink Pink Pink!! Magnets, Charms, Roses
I have lots of PINK this time...
The 1st photo is another snowglobe magnet..with a roses that I painted on watercolor paper.
I added some of that wonderful red tape that glitter sticks to, beautifully.
4 little snowman maganets...Thanks for checking out my Pink Saturday!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Felted Nest...Spoon Easel
I got so excited I am showing this to you early...I have lots of Pink for Pink Saturday tomorrow...but I CANT wait...I tried, really I did...But it turned out soooo cute, I had to share this!!! Michelle Palmer made the neatest realistic felted nest...well, I told her I was going to give it a try...mine didn't quite turn out anything like hers.hee hee... I'll be selling this whole thing on Ebay...Check it out HERE
99 cent!!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Spoon Easel Inchie Bird, Nest, Charm
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
ABrief Interuption....
I thought that I still had time to procrastinate just a bit longer. At least I ordered my digi boxes...they've been sitting in the closet for 2 weeks...and TONIGHT...they cut me off. ITS NOT TIME!! LOL...I wasn't ready! lol...So I got busy...In a hurry...American Idol was coming on in 10 min. Hurry hurry, read briefly through the instructions...hurry hurry. Its BOTH tvs at the same time...hurry, to the bedroom...hurry...plug, plug, plug this into that, that into this....NOTHING!!! Urgggg!. It keeps saying to call the cable co....WHY?? I did everything RIGHT. So I call...she very kindly me the numbers on the back of the new little boxes...WaaLaaa.....IT WORKED. So then...I wanted to Tape something...yes..we still have a recordable VCR...It wouldn't I called (no messing around this time) he said..."you'll have to get a splitter and run one cable from here to there and split the other and run it from there to here and ..... We'll off to Radio Shack in the morning...he said "Make sure it is a GOOD quality splitter. So...I really don't think I missed much...did I??? What if they showed the person that will end up being the American Idol??!!! Whew, I'm tired now...bye
Update...why is it Stacey picked up the phone...calls her cable guy...he's over to her apt in 15 min. hooks her up...sticks around to watch "Bazaar Foods"
She bad he's 35 and has braces. lol. to funny.
Update...why is it Stacey picked up the phone...calls her cable guy...he's over to her apt in 15 min. hooks her up...sticks around to watch "Bazaar Foods"
She bad he's 35 and has braces. lol. to funny.

I need to tag a few people....lets see...
Pattie: //
Kat Collects:
Blue Bird Valentine Charm on Spoon Easel...Check out my Ebay...I have filled it up...well, for three days anyway.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I couldn't decide...
Monday, January 12, 2009
Snowglobe...its still winter!!
This is such cute little snowglobe. Its actually a magnet!! its flat on the back, the back comes off so instead of putting a photo in there I painted this little picture...How fun is that!! Check out my Ebay...thats where I'm going to put it!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
aaaack!! I forgot to pick a winner!!!
The winning number is Tam!!! Thank you everyone for all the great ideas!!! I'll tell you what! I am having soooo much fun. Your wonderful comments keep me going! I went to Target to see if they had gotten any more birds in...nope, so I drove to the other one across town...nope. I guess I'm not the only one that likes them.
My latest little spoon easel...I listed it on Ebay...for just 3 days.
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