The winning number is Tam!!! Thank you everyone for all the great ideas!!! I'll tell you what! I am having soooo much fun. Your wonderful comments keep me going! I went to Target to see if they had gotten any more birds in...nope, so I drove to the other one across town...nope. I guess I'm not the only one that likes them.
My latest little spoon easel...I listed it on Ebay...for just 3 days.
Gorgeous as always!
congrats to your winner!!!
Congratulations Tam!!!
I KNOW Tam is excited...I'm excited for her!
Your new little creation is I go to 'you-know-where'!
Lucky lucky girl!
Okay - so I probably posted the best and funniest post I have ever done on my riding lesson photographed! ..and don't laugh so loud that I might hear you!
Have a great week!
YaY~I won! Thank You so Much! I am so excited! Did you get my email?
I love that birdie charm-sooo cute everything just goes so perfectly-the bow charm and the little nest-adorable!
Thanks again Blogging Buddy!
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