Last weekend I went to an antique mall...never a good thing if you
dont want to spend money.
Our sweet kitty wanted in the picture

I found this wonderful old Coke bottle...I
dont know how old, but it looked old.
THEN....I found this green scale, and it was 20 percent off...yeaaaa. THEN I found
These adorable leather childrens ice skate...when I picked them up...I knew I could
resale them...on the way home I thought..SALE???? no way, childrens skates are hard to find...
Where is there ice in California!!!
I'm thinking I might give the metal part some glitter...I thought about painting
a little scene on them, but I probably wont

Here's how I bought them..all tied up messy, I put
newspaper inside to reform them. I'll be
putting out my painted sled. I sold
soooo many sleds in the past, I did keep this one.
The price of reg. old sleds here in Calif...$$$$ I use to buy them for about $10 in Oregon.

Cute buckle.
Glitter on the blade?? what do you think??
For my letter this week, "I" I am going with
Ice Scates